Note-taking General Principles of note-taking Nick Roche, EU Commission, on note-taking Helen Campbell: Note-Taking for Consecutive Interpreting How best to avoid the potential pit-falls of poor note-taking. Dick Fleming Principles of Note-taking – Rozan The Triple function of notes – Setton & Dawrant How do notes help? Andres Wozu Notizen? (Andres) David Violet on Note-taking David Violet – glance layout Consecutive note-taking – ATA Chronicle Tips for consecutive note-taking – Christopher Thiéry ORCIT on note-taking for consecutive interpreting Consecutive notes, symbols and the use of the notepad Part 1 – EU Commission SCIC Note-taking basics by Matyssek Consecutive notes, symbols and the use of the notepad Part 2 – EU Commission SCIC Is there a note-taking system I can learn? What to note – Jones What to note – Seleskovitch & Lederer What to note – Taylor-Bouladon Note-taking demos & explanations Anne Ford EU Commission explains her notes Are you looking for a fresh take on consecutive? Qjinti Oblitas at Glendon MCI Notizentechnik für Dolmetscher Ideas Noting ideas not words – Rozan What is an idea – Gillies Structure in note-taking Rozan on diagonal notes What are link words – Roderick Jones Guidelines for the use of margins Noting ideas – Subject Verb Object groups More on links on the Consecutive page Symbols Dos and Donts of using symbols in consecutive note-taking Symbols by Matyssek Guidelines for using symbols Find a symbol – Symbolovnik Ideas for symbols – Interprettrain Symboles et abréviations – Seleskovitch Miscellaneous How links work – Baker Digital pens and consecutive training Marc Orlando Example notes Managing working memory capacity when noting lists – a trick