Many of these blogs have been inactive for some time, however, the principles of conference interpreting have not changed much over time – there are just different points of view on them and ways to explain them. As such most of these blogs are worth a visit.
Alessio Iacovoni on interpreting
Become a conference interpreter!
Bootheando: spanish interpreter’s blog – ES
Boots in the Booth (en francais)
Brazilian Interpreter: Ewandro
From the Azerbaijani booth – AZ
In my words : an interpreter and trainer’s blog
Interprenaut: Interpreters’ Launchpad
Interpretings: Elisabet Tiselius
Interpreters in Brussels Practice Group
Interpreters soapbox (in English & Polish)
Japanese Translation and Interpretation blog (MITIS) – JP
Musings : Maria Cristina dela Vega
Objectif interprete: student interpreter at Westminster
The Booth inhabitant : aventuras de un estudiante de interpretación de conferencias en París
The Professional Interpreter (EN ES)
The working life of a conference interpreter in London